World Cup: What is Qatar’s Moral Police and what are the consequences for breaking the guidelines?

1 year ago

Controversy surrounds Qatar’s selection to host the 2022 World Cup from the start. Not only due to the Middle Eastern nation’s sporting culture, but also due to written laws and allegations of violations of basic human rights, including the freedom of women and LGTBQI+ persons. The so-called Moral Police is one of Qatar’s most contentious organizations.

Fans from the many nations taking part in the tournament have had the opportunity to observe Qatar’s operations and legal system firsthand. Undercover law enforcement agents known as the Moral Police (Gasht-e-Ershad) in Qatar patrol the streets and make sure that everyone abides strictly by the laws, regulations, and customs of the nation.

These agents work to uphold the “sharia,” a branch of Qatari law that focuses on providing moral guidelines for both people’s public and private lives.

For instance, five times a day of prayer is one of the codes must be observed. The public is also discouraged from divorcing and even outlawed from stealing, lying, and drinking.

The guidelines for World Cup supporters

Fans of the 2022 World Cup should be aware that many additional laws, like those that apply to everyone else, must be observed even though they are exempt from these restrictions because they are intended for the local community and not visitors.

For instance, it is forbidden for women to expose their shoulders and knees, and it is preferred that clothing not be provocative or form-fitting. There are restrictions for men as well, such as not being able to display their naked chests or wear T-shirts with V-necks.

Tradition says that while addressing men, the right hand must be lifted, and when addressing women, the hand must be raised to the heart.

In addition, no pictures may be taken of government structures or Qataris without their specific authorization. Of course, showing affection or affectionate displays is also to be avoided.

Penalties in Qatar for breaching the law

The following can result in both monetary fines and jail time for fans during the Qatar 2022 World Cup:

– Drinking alcohol while driving, 806 euros to jail time.

– Consuming narcotics, punishable by 806 euros, jail time, or expulsion.

– Street littering, starting at 2,685 euros.

– Entry to the premises is prohibited if dress code requirements are not met.

– One to three years in prison for homosexuality.

– Making lewd gestures, punishable by up to six years in prison and 805 euros.

– Up to seven years in prison for infidelity.